GRUPPO EUROMOBIL AND ART | A Tribute to Virgilio Guidi


Gruppo Euromobil, which has always been actively involved in supporting art, is the main sponsor of the exhibition Tribute to Virgilio Guidi with a look at the Sonino collection in Venice until 7 January 2022.

In the year in which Venice celebrates its 1600th anniversary, and in which it passionately and tenaciously wants to return to being the undisputed capital of European beauty and culture, from 17 September 2021 to 7 January 2022 the great exhibition “OMAGGIO A VIRGILIO GUIDI con una sguardo alla collezione Sonino”  opens, a majestic anthological exhibition curated by Stefano Cecchetto, Giovanni Granzotto and Dino Marangon in which the entire artistic career of the Maestro, father and inspiration for generations of Venetian artists, will be presented. The music of another Venetian Maestro, Pino Donaggio, an extraordinary interpreter of contemporary music, will accompany the public on this unprecedented journey.

“OMAGGIO A VIRGILIO GUIDI con una sguardo alla collezione Sonino” is organised by the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, in collaboration with Galleria Giorgio Franchetti at the Ca' d'Oro. Included in the official programme of Venezia 1600, it presents 220 works in three exhibition venues.

Eighty masterpieces dating from the early 1910s are on display at the Piazza San Marco headquarters of the Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa. The exhibition presents the interiors and figures of the 1920s, continuing with the Roman landscapes of those years and the Brenta landscapes of 1927, to arrive at the Venice of the late 1920s and the Figures of the 1930s and 1940s, continuing to document the magical period of Venetian Spatialism after the war with all the cycles such as the Rising Figures, the Tumults, the Ancient Skies, the Zenithal Seascapes etc., not forgetting the famous Baronesses, and concluding with the last great works of Bianco su Bianco from the late 1970s.

The Palazzetto Tito venue hosts significant paintings from the last 30 years of Guidi's production, together with an exhaustive selection of the important Sonino collection, consisting mainly of seascapes, but also of splendid figures of women, trees, agitated figures, etc., all works belonging to the period after the last war.

The exhibition continues at the Galleria Giorgio Franchetti at the Ca' d'Oro: on the imposing second floor, with a view of the loggia overlooking the Canal Grande, are some still lifes from the 1910s, Carabinieri on horseback from 1920, Painter in the open air from 1924, Man reading from 1927 and some Bacini di San Marco, also from the late 1920s. These masterpieces are complemented by other masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance, such as portraits by Bernardino Licinio and Sebastiano del Piombo and three views by Francesco Guardi, as well as a Flemish still life similar to those already in the museum's permanent collection.

The exhibition as a whole aims to show how Virgilio Guidi completely changed the vision of landscape and, in particular, of the landscape view, inventing a perfect and absolute synthesis between the idea of landscape and the idea of Venice itself. And, even more, how he was able to combine in modern painting the Renaissance light with Venetian light, itself a synthesis of ideal and physical light.

The exhibition is curated by Stefano Cecchetto, Giovanni Granzotto and Dino Marangon, with contributions from many other important critics, collected in the precious catalogue accompanying the exhibition, published by Manfredi Edizioni, one of Italy's finest art publishers. The exhibition's scientific committee, composed of Michele Beraldo, Stefano Cecchetto, Stefano Demarco, Giovanni Granzotto, Dino Marangon, Giovanna Niero and Ennio Pouchard, represents a large part of the scholars who over the years have contributed to clarifying all the aspects of the great Maestro's research, but not only: under the sign of multidisciplinarity, it will also include men and women of culture understood in the broadest sense, from music to restoration to cultural production. In this context, it is worth mentioning the participation, with the wonderful contribution of a soundtrack, of an extraordinary interpreter of contemporary music such as Pino Donaggio.

“OMAGGIO A VIRGILIO GUIDI con una sguardo alla collezione Sonino” is sponsored by Gruppo Euromobil and Fondazione di Venezia and the support of OrlerTV.


17 September 2021 - 7 January 2022, Venice
Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa - Piazza San Marco Gallery and Palazzetto Tito
Giorgio Franchetti Gallery at Ca' d'Oro


For further information
041 5207797 -

Press Office
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Bevilacqua La Masa (Piazza San Marco and Palazzetto Tito venues):
full price 6 euro - reduced 4 euro

Giorgio Franchetti Gallery at Ca d'Oro:
entrance to the exhibition included in the museum ticket (full price 6 euro, reduced 2 euro)

Opening hours
Bevilacqua La Masa - Piazza San Marco Gallery, San Marco 71/c
From Wednesday to Sunday 10.30 am - 5.30 pm (closed on Mondays and Tuesdays)

Bevilacqua La Masa - Palazzetto Tito, Dorsoduro 2826,
From Wednesday to Sunday 10.30 am - 5.30 pm (closed on Mondays and Tuesdays)

Giorgio Franchetti Gallery at Ca' d'Oro, Cannaregio 3932
Mondays and Tuesdays 9.00-18.00, Wednesdays to Saturdays 8.15-13.30 (closed on Sundays)
